Different functions to estimate soil diffusivity from the air-filled pore space.
DSD0_millington_quirk(AFPS, TPS = NULL, tortuosity = NULL)
DSD0_moldrup(AFPS, AFPS_100, b_campbell)
DSD0_currie(AFPS, a_currie = 1.9, b_currie = 1.4)
DSD0_linear(AFPS, a_lin, b_lin)
is of the form \(D_s / D_0 = \Xi \cdot \epsilon\) where \(\Xi\) is the tortuosity factor (tortuosity
) calulcated as \(\Xi = \frac{\epsilon^{(10/3)}}{\Phi^2}\) ; \(\epsilon\) is the air-filled pore space (AFPS
) and \(\Phi\) is the porosity (TPS
). From Millington & Quirk (1961).DSD0_moldrup()
is of the form \(D_s / D_0 = (2 \cdot \epsilon_{100}^3 + 0.04 \cdot \epsilon_{100}) \cdot (\frac{\epsilon}{\epsilon_{100}})^{(2 + \frac{3}{b_{campbell}})}\) where \(\epsilon_{100}\) is the air-filled pore space at a matric potential head of -100 cm and \(b_{campbell}\) is the slope of the water retention curve. From Moldrup et al. (2000).DSD0_currie()
is of the form \(D_s / D_0 = a \cdot \epsilon^b\) where \(a\) and \(b\) are fit parameter of an exponential model. From Currie (1960) with default values (a=1.9; b=1.4)from Troeh (1982).DSD0_linear()
is a linear model of form \(D_s / D_0 = a \cdot \epsilon + b\).
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Troeh, F. R., Jabro, J. D., & Kirkham, D. (1982). Gaseous diffusion equations for porous materials. In Geoderma (Vol. 27, Issue 3, pp. 239–253). Elsevier BV. https://doi.org/10.1016/0016-7061(82)90033-7