This vignette shows how to model flux rates with two functions
and pro_flux()
. It builds on the
article on
vignette("data_preparation", package = "ConFluxPro")
, so
you are encouraged to first read that one.
#> Attaching package: 'ConFluxPro'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter
General workflow
We will start by importing the cfp_dat()
object, that we
created at the end of the last article
vignette("data_preparation", package = "ConFluxPro")
. This
is included in ConFluxPro as the dataset base_dat
data("base_dat", package = "ConFluxPro")
Note, that one of the most important settings of both models is
already made at this point: the definition of the flux layers in the
of the data. You need to carefully decide how
many layers and which boundaries to set. This may depend on your
research question and on your input data. You can always try out
different layers_map
by changing them in the creation of
your cfp_dat()
Modeling flux rates with both functions is as easy as passing
as the single argument:
mod_pf <- pro_flux(base_dat)
mod_fg <- fg_flux(base_dat)
#> validating datasets
#> id_cols: site, Date, gas
#> 24 unique profiles
This will use the default settings for both functions. We will look
into the fine-tuning of both in more detail later. For now we are only
interested in the objects returned. pro_flux()
returns an
object of class cfp_pfres
, while fg_flux()
returns a cfp_fgres
object. Both have the same structure.
At their core is the input dataset base_dat
with the model
settings as additional attributes. The model result is stored as another
in the list.
#> [1] "profiles" "gasdata" "soilphys" "layers_map" "PROFLUX"
#> [1] "profiles" "gasdata" "soilphys" "layers_map" "FLUX"
These data.frame
s hold the flux rates in the different
layers, and the optimized production rates of the inverse model
). To derive efflux rates, we don’t have to
interact with these internal datasets directly. Instead, we can simply
call efflux()
on the entire model result. This will return
a data.frame
with the efflux rates (in µmol m-2
s-1) of each profile of the model.
efflux_pf <- efflux(mod_pf)
efflux_fg <- efflux(mod_fg)
#> A cfp_profile object
#> id_cols: site Date gas
#> 6 unique profiles
#> site Date gas efflux prof_id
#> 1 site_a 2021-01-01 CO2 0.8347288 1
#> 2 site_b 2021-01-01 CO2 0.6741332 2
#> 3 site_a 2021-02-01 CO2 1.3672901 3
#> 4 site_b 2021-02-01 CO2 1.0613224 4
#> 5 site_a 2021-03-01 CO2 1.7443084 5
#> 6 site_b 2021-03-01 CO2 1.3906597 6
Similarly, we can extract the total production rates for each layer within the soil.
production_pf <- production(mod_pf)
production_fg <- production(mod_fg)
#> A cfp_layered_profile object
#> id_cols: site Date gas
#> 3 unique profiles
#> site Date gas upper lower layer prod_abs prod_rel efflux F0
#> 1 site_a 2021-01-01 CO2 0 -100 1 0.09704722 0.11626198 0.8347288 0
#> 2 site_a 2021-01-01 CO2 5 0 2 0.73768158 0.88373802 0.8347288 0
#> 3 site_b 2021-01-01 CO2 0 -100 1 0.05406110 0.08019349 0.6741332 0
#> 4 site_b 2021-01-01 CO2 7 0 2 0.62007213 0.91980651 0.6741332 0
#> 5 site_a 2021-02-01 CO2 0 -100 1 0.14909176 0.10904179 1.3672901 0
#> 6 site_a 2021-02-01 CO2 5 0 2 1.21819835 0.89095821 1.3672901 0
#> DELTA_F0 DELTA_prod_abs DELTA_prod_rel
#> 1 NA NA NA
#> 2 NA NA NA
#> 3 NA NA NA
#> 4 NA NA NA
#> 5 NA NA NA
#> 6 NA NA NA
Here, prod_abs
is the total production rate in the layer
(in in µmol m-2 s-1), whereas
is the relative contribution of that layer to the
total efflux.
Now that we’ve discussed the syntax, let’s discuss the specific considerations and settings of each method.
: the ‘classic’ FGM
Model settings
The function fg_flux()
implements different versions of
the ‘classic’ FGM. With this we mean a typical ‘forward’ calculation of
the concentration gradient and diffusion coefficient, in contrast to the
inverse model discussed below. In truth, fg_flux()
is a
collection of models, because there exist different philosophies on how
to calculate the concentration gradient and how to extrapolate the flux
rates to the surface. The default mode "LL"
is to fit a
local linear model of x_ppm~depth
within each layer
independently. Other modes fit a single model to the complete
concentration profile, either a linear spline ("LS"
), or an
exponential model ("EF"
and "DA"
). We can use
one or more of these methods by using the modes
If we choose multiple modes, we must also specify the gases
argument. This allows to choose a different mode for each gas that is
most applicable.
mod_fg_ef <- fg_flux(base_dat, modes = "EF")
#> validating datasets
#> id_cols: site, Date, gas
#> 24 unique profiles
mod_fg_multiple_modes <- fg_flux(base_dat,
modes = c("LL", "LS", "EF"),
gases = rep("CO2", 3))
#> validating datasets
#> id_cols: site, Date, gas
#> 24 unique profiles
In addition, we also have to specify how parameters within the
dataset are aggregated. If the layers specified in
contain multiple layers in
, the parameters have to be averaged. Relevant for
the flux calculation are only the parameters c_air
, the
number density of the soil air and DS
, the apparent
diffusion coefficient. By default, DS
is averaged as a
weighted harmonic mean, while c_air
is averaged as a
weighted arithmetic mean. The weights in both cases are the respective
layer heights. You can change this, or add more parameters that are
averaged by setting the arguments param
. These are vectors that must match in length. Each
must be present as a column in
Extrapolating efflux
How to derive efflux rates from the flux rates of each soil layer
requires some consideration. Here, we implement three different methods
that can be set in the call of efflux()
. The simplest is
simply to assume that the flux rate in the top layer is equivalent to
the efflux:
efflux_fg_top <- efflux(mod_fg, method = "top")
The other two methods extrapolate to the surface. Both assume that
the modeled flux rate is centered in the layer, so that the flux of a
layer between 0 and 10 cm depth is located at 5 cm depth. The
model fits a linear model flux~depth
all layers and extrapolates it to the surface. The "lex"
model uses two layers to linearly extrapolate the flux rate. These have
to be selected using the layers
argument. Here we set
layers = c(1, 2)
to select the top two layers for the
extrapolation. Since we only have two layers to begin with, the results
of "lm"
and "lex"
are the same in our
Deriving production rates
The user input needed to derive production rates from a model
returned by fg_flux()
is simple. Because the efflux rate is
needed, we potentially have to specify how we want to calculate the
efflux rate. For this simply pass the same arguments as with
. If nothing is specified, the default efflux
method is used ("lm"
production_fg <- production(mod_fg)
The production rates of each layer are calculated as the difference
of the flux in the layer below and the flux in the layer above it. For
the lowest layer, the flux below is assumed to be zero, for the highest
layer the efflux is used as the upper flux. This process is prone to
artefacts stemming from the methods used in the calculation of the
concentration gradient. Production rates derived from
should therefore be carefully checked for
: inverse model of production profiles
Theory and implementation
The function pro_flux()
implements an inverse model of
soil gas production profiles. For each layer in soilphys
, a
theoretical concentration profile is modeled. In this way, the complete
concentration profile can be modeled.
The model is evaluated at each layer
boundary and “from-bottom-to-top”, meaning that the lowest layer is
modeled first. For each layer in layers_map
, a production
(µmol m-3 s-1) is algorithmically optimized to
achieve the best fit with the measured concentration profile. This is
achieved with the stats::optim()
function and a custom
objective function. At the lowest layer, two boundary conditions need to
be met: the concentration
and the incoming flux
from the deep soil. While
is set to the median of the measured value at that depth,
can be either set to zero, or optimized together with the production
In this model, the efflux is the sum of the production (or consumption)
in the entire profile. ## Model settings As with the ‘forward’ model,
the most important setting is to determine for which layers a production
rate is calculated, which is defined in layers_map
. In
addition, there are now more settings that can be applied within the
call to cfp_layers_map()
. Namely, we can set a upper
and lower limit lowlim
of the allowed
production rate within each layer. Be limiting the range in which the
production rates are optimized to positive values, we can exclude
consumption of the gas within the model. This can be relevant especially
for CO2, where negative concentration gradients are often the
result of measurement uncertainty and not of significant consumption of
the gas. For other gases, such as CH4 both consumption and
production may be relevant processes that can also occur at different
points within the same profile.
The other important setting is zero_flux
within the call
to pro_flux()
(the default), the flux
from below the model boundary into the lowest layer
is assumed to be zero. If FALSE
is optimized alongside the production rates within the soil. Typically,
there is no advantage in the modelling of setting zero_flux
, even if the assumption that the flux is
negligible is not met. But be aware, that in this way, more production
may be allocated into the lowest layer than that layer actually
produced. If you do decide to use zero_flux = FALSE
, you
can also set zero_limits
that sets limits for the allowed
flux rates, analogous to lowlim
and highlim
You can access the optimized
rates within the function deepflux()
deepflux(mod_pf_with_flux) |>
#> A cfp_layered_profile object
#> id_cols: prof_id
#> 6 unique profiles
#> prof_id F0 site Date gas
#> 1 1 -0.07885403 site_a 2021-01-01 CO2
#> 2 3 -0.06299376 site_a 2021-02-01 CO2
#> 3 5 -0.10938257 site_a 2021-03-01 CO2
#> 4 7 -0.24329809 site_a 2021-04-01 CO2
#> 5 9 -0.32774961 site_a 2021-05-01 CO2
#> 6 11 -0.76478397 site_a 2021-06-01 CO2
Other settings are more experimental, like layer_couple
within cfp_layers_map()
which aims to penalize stark
changes of production within a profile, similar to
in pro_flux()
. We do not
encourage the use of these setting, as contrasting production rates may
be a sign that you defined too many production layers.
Extracting efflux and production rates
Getting the efflux from any pro_flux()
model is very
simple by calling efflux()
on any model result. No
additional settings are necessary.
EFFLUX_pf <- efflux(mod_pf)
#> A cfp_profile object
#> id_cols: site Date gas
#> 6 unique profiles
#> site Date gas efflux prof_id
#> 1 site_a 2021-01-01 CO2 0.8347288 1
#> 2 site_b 2021-01-01 CO2 0.6741332 2
#> 3 site_a 2021-02-01 CO2 1.3672901 3
#> 4 site_b 2021-02-01 CO2 1.0613224 4
#> 5 site_a 2021-03-01 CO2 1.7443084 5
#> 6 site_b 2021-03-01 CO2 1.3906597 6
Similarly, you can call production()
to get the
optimized production rates for each layer in
PRODUCTION_pf <- production(mod_pf)
#> A cfp_layered_profile object
#> id_cols: site Date gas
#> 3 unique profiles
#> site Date gas upper lower layer prod_abs prod_rel efflux F0
#> 1 site_a 2021-01-01 CO2 0 -100 1 0.09704722 0.11626198 0.8347288 0
#> 2 site_a 2021-01-01 CO2 5 0 2 0.73768158 0.88373802 0.8347288 0
#> 3 site_b 2021-01-01 CO2 0 -100 1 0.05406110 0.08019349 0.6741332 0
#> 4 site_b 2021-01-01 CO2 7 0 2 0.62007213 0.91980651 0.6741332 0
#> 5 site_a 2021-02-01 CO2 0 -100 1 0.14909176 0.10904179 1.3672901 0
#> 6 site_a 2021-02-01 CO2 5 0 2 1.21819835 0.89095821 1.3672901 0
#> DELTA_F0 DELTA_prod_abs DELTA_prod_rel
#> 1 NA NA NA
#> 2 NA NA NA
#> 3 NA NA NA
#> 4 NA NA NA
#> 5 NA NA NA
#> 6 NA NA NA