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This vignette introduces a post-hoc calibration approach mainly aimed at pro_flux() models. We will introduce the two steps required, (I) a parameter variation with alternate() and (II) the evaluation of the results with evaluate_models().

#> Attaching package: 'ConFluxPro'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter

Background and idea

Different input parameters of the flux-gradient method (FGM) affect the modeled effluxes to a different extent. Most importantly, the soil physics that we defined in soilphys can have significant measurement and sampling uncertainties. The derived DS values often require many input parameters and therefore have a high uncertainty. At the same time,DS has a large effect on the modeled efflux, leading to potential offsets and biases.

The following approach aims to quantify these effects and calibrate ConFluxPro models. It is mostly intended to be used with inverse models from the pro_flux() method. The basic idea is to modify the values of the input parameters within a given range and re-run the models to quantify the effect on the efflux. In a second step, different parameters of model quality can be calculated to select the model runs with the lowest model error.

Programatically, you will mainly interact with three functions: cfp_run_map() to generate a plan on how to modify each model for each run, alterante() to actually run all models and evaluate_models() to calculate a model error for each run and select the best results.

Let’s load in the basic model we generated in the last article.

data("base_dat", package = "ConFluxPro")
mod_pf <- pro_flux(base_dat)

cfp_run_map(): Plan model modifications

From a given model, we can generate a run_map, a plan on how to modify each model for each run with the function cfp_run_map(). We will now only consider the method = "random" variant, where the parameter values in each run are randomly sampled. This requires some input parameters. First, we need to select the parameters we want to modify. These parameters must come from the soilphys dataset. Keep the number of parameters low, because too many degrees of freedom may prevent the approach to converge on a specific parameter set. Furthermore, different uncertainties can be balanced out by modifying a single parameter. For example, a too high SWC can be compensated with a lower TPS or vice versa.

Here will select to only adapt the TPS within each layer. We also need to tell the function, in what range we want to modify the parameter and how to modify it. Here, we have different options. We can either give a specified range in absolute values, for type = "abs", subtract or add a certain amount from the original value with type = "addition" or multiply it with a given factor in type = "factor". For now, let’s select type = "factor", and let the TPS modify for 90-110 % its original value. We provide this information as a named list to the param argument. The names of that list represent the columns in soilphys and the limits are given as a vector of length 2. The type of modification is given as type, a vector of the same length as params. The last thing we now have to provide is the number of model runs to generate by providing an integer number to n_runs.

tps_run_map <- 
              params = list("TPS" = c(0.9, 1.1)),
              type = "factor",
              method = "random",
              n_runs = 100)

With this we have a valid object of class cfp_run_map. This object is a data.frame where each new run is identified by the column run_id.

#> A cfp_run_map to be used in alternate(). 
#> number of runs:  100 
#> parameters to alternate:
#>   param param_id
#> 1   TPS        1
#>   run_id param     value   type gas param_id
#> 1      1   TPS 0.9161500 factor CO2        1
#> 2      2   TPS 1.0668666 factor CO2        1
#> 3      3   TPS 1.0201522 factor CO2        1
#> 4      4   TPS 0.9314417 factor CO2        1
#> 5      5   TPS 0.9014799 factor CO2        1
#> 6      6   TPS 0.9932787 factor CO2        1

We can see that there is a new row for each run, and the value that TPS will be multiplied with. In this case, the TPS of the entire profile will be modified with the same factor for each run. We can also select, that parameters within each layer should be modified independent from another.

tps_run_map <- 
              params = list("TPS" = c(0.9, 1.1)),
              type = "factor",
              method = "random",
              n_runs = 100,
              layers_different = TRUE)

This generates a new TPS factor for each layer in layers_map. If we take a look in the run_map again, we now see that there are multiple rows for each run_id with a different value for each layer.

#> A cfp_run_map to be used in alternate(). 
#> number of runs:  100 
#> parameters to alternate:
#>   pmap param param_id
#> 1    1   TPS        1
#> 2    2   TPS        2
#>   pmap   site gas run_id param     value   type param_id
#> 1    1 site_a CO2      1   TPS 1.0611360 factor        1
#> 2    1 site_a CO2      2   TPS 1.0628103 factor        1
#> 3    1 site_a CO2      3   TPS 0.9807822 factor        1
#> 4    1 site_a CO2      4   TPS 0.9436862 factor        1
#> 5    1 site_a CO2      5   TPS 0.9836723 factor        1
#> 6    1 site_a CO2      6   TPS 1.0337741 factor        1

We can extract the different parameters that are modified within the run_map with cfp_params_df(). This shows the mapping between each parameter and its identifier (param_id). If layers_different = TRUE, then each parameter of a new layer has its own param_id.

#>   pmap param param_id
#> 1    1   TPS        1
#> 2    2   TPS        2

We can also define these layers from a different source, either from soilphys or by providing a custom data.frame. For example, in the example dataset, TPS changes in four layers within the soilphys. Assuming these are measurements of TPS, it makes sense to vary the TPS within these boundaries as well. To do so, we first set layers_from = "layers_altmap" and provide the new cfp_layers_map(), that defines the layers for the parameter variation.

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:ConFluxPro':
#>     n_groups
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
unique_tps <- 
  cfp_soilphys(mod_pf) %>%
  group_by(site, TPS) %>%
  summarise(upper = max(upper),
         lower = min(lower)) %>%
  cfp_layers_map(id_cols = "site",
                 gas = "CO2",
                 lowlim = 0, highlim = 1000)
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'site'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.
#> added 'gas' to id_cols

tps_run_map <- 
              params = list("TPS" = c(0.9, 1.1)),
              type = "factor",
              method = "random",
              n_runs = 100,
              layers_different = TRUE,
              layers_from = "layers_altmap",
              layers_altmap = unique_tps)

If we look into the result of cfp_params_df() again, we can see that we now have one parameter for each layer and each site. So in total we vary eight parameters.

#>   param upper lower param_id
#> 1   TPS   -40  -100        1
#> 2   TPS   -23  -100        2
#> 3   TPS   -13   -40        3
#> 4   TPS    -7   -23        4
#> 5   TPS     0    -7        5
#> 6   TPS     0   -13        6
#> 7   TPS     5     0        7
#> 8   TPS     7     0        8

By providing a layers_altmap, we can also specify distinct limits for each layer individually. Let’s say the measurement of TPS in the lower soil had a lower variation that in the topsoil. We can generate different limits within each layer:

unique_tps_with_limits <- 
  unique_tps %>%
  mutate(TPS_delta = ifelse(lower <= -20, 0.02, 0.04)) %>%
  mutate(TPS_min = TPS - TPS_delta,
         TPS_max = TPS + TPS_delta)

All we have to do now is tell cfp_run_map to use these columns in layers_altmap as the new limits. We change the numeric limits (c(0.9, 1.1) into a character vector specifying the columns where these values are stored c("TPS_min", "TPS_max"). Depending on our setting in layers_from, the function will search for these columns in the respective dataset. Because the new values we provided are actual TPS values, and not factors, we also have to adjust the type to "abs".

tps_run_map <- 
              params = list("TPS" = c("TPS_min", "TPS_max")),
              type = "abs",
              method = "random",
              n_runs = 100,
              layers_different = TRUE,
              layers_from = "layers_altmap",
              layers_altmap = unique_tps_with_limits)

Whichever run_map you generated, the next step is to apply it to modify a model. This happens within the function alternate(), which will be discussed now.

alternate(): Run modified models

To apply a cfp_run_map() to a model, we use the function alternate(). We provide both the original model, and the run_map we created above. The last thing we need is a function that re-calculates the soilphys dataset. Because within each run, the TPS value will be adjusted, we have to re-calculate the AFPS and the diffusion coefficient that was calculated from it. In our case, we can use the complete_soilphys() function. Depending on how your parameters are named and how they relate to another, you may have to write your own function for that.

mod_pf_alt <- alternate(
  f = function(x) complete_soilphys(x, DSD0_formula = "a*AFPS^b", quiet = TRUE),
  run_map = tps_run_map

alternate() returns an object of class cfp_altres. This is simply a list of model results, with which you can interact as usual. For example, you can access the efflux of the third run like so:

efflux(mod_pf_alt[[3]]) |>
#> A cfp_profile object 
#> id_cols: site Date gas 
#> 6  unique profiles 
#>     site       Date gas    efflux prof_id
#> 1 site_a 2021-01-01 CO2 0.8754202       1
#> 2 site_b 2021-01-01 CO2 0.6784071       2
#> 3 site_a 2021-02-01 CO2 1.4312066       3
#> 4 site_b 2021-02-01 CO2 1.0669665       4
#> 5 site_a 2021-03-01 CO2 1.8308830       5
#> 6 site_b 2021-03-01 CO2 1.3981755       6

We can also do so for all runs at the same time. This binds the result together and adds the function run_id.

EFFLUX_alt <-
EFFLUX_alt |>
#> A cfp_profile object 
#> id_cols: site Date gas run_id 
#> 6  unique profiles 
#>     site       Date gas    efflux prof_id run_id
#> 1 site_a 2021-01-01 CO2 0.8080752       1      1
#> 2 site_b 2021-01-01 CO2 0.6703889       2      1
#> 3 site_a 2021-02-01 CO2 1.3268966       3      1
#> 4 site_b 2021-02-01 CO2 1.0514539       4      1
#> 5 site_a 2021-03-01 CO2 1.6898789       5      1
#> 6 site_b 2021-03-01 CO2 1.3814571       6      1

Let’s visualize this to see how much the efflux changed only by slightly varying the TPS of the model layers:

EFFLUX_alt %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Date, 
             y = efflux, 
             group = run_id,
             col = "modified models"))+
  geom_line(alpha = 0.2)+
  geom_line(data = efflux(mod_pf),
            aes(group = NA, col = "original model"))+
  facet_wrap(~site, ncol = 1)+
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

evaluate_models(): Find the effective parameter set

The results stored in mod_pf_alt are different model runs with different parameterizations. Some may have improved the model, while some may have made it worse. To select the best model runs, we have to quantify the model quality of each run. ConFluxPro comes with two functions that estimate a specific error of the model, error_concentration() and error_efflux(). The first, error_concentration() quantifies the difference between the measured and modeled concentration profiles and is only applicable to pro_flux() models. The second, error_efflux() compares the estimated effluxes to reference measurements (e.g. chamber method). We could combine both errors and select the model run with the smallest overall error.

This whole process is streamlined within evaluate_models(). Here, you can provide a list of error parameters to calculate. The function applies each function to all model runs, scales and combines the returned error parameter and returns a list of the ‘best’ model runs. Let’s do so with the model runs mof_pf_alt we calculated before. Since we don’t have actual reference measurements, let’s pretend that the efflux estimate of the original, unaltered model were chamber measurements we conducted. This is just to demonstrate the process.

EFFLUX_ref <- efflux(mod_pf)

With this, let’s evaluate the models.

mod_pf_eval <- evaluate_models(mod_pf_alt,
                               eval_funs = list(
                                 "error_concentration" = error_concentration,
                                 "error_efflux" = error_efflux),
                               eval_weights = c(1, 1),
                               param_cols = c("site"), 
                               eval_cols = c("site"),
                               n_best = 5,
                               scaling_fun = scale_min_median,
                               EFFLUX = EFFLUX_ref)
#> Joining with `by = join_by(error_parameter)`

We defined two types of errors in our call within the eval_funs argument. The first is the difference between the modeled and the measured concentration profile as calculated by error_concentration(). The second is the difference between modeled and measured efflux returned by error_efflux(). While we don’t have a real measurement of efflux in this case, we provide the ‘measured’ efflux as described above as an additional argument in EFFLUX = EFFLUX_ref. These functions (and any we may write ourselves) must take the parameter param_cols, indicating for which parameters a distinct error will be calculated. We set this to be "site" because we want to calibrate each of our sites individually. The function calculates an error parameter for each combination of error_funs and param_cols. You can define weights for each error parameter in eval_weights. Finally, each parameter is scaled between the runs. Here we set scaling_fun = scale_min_median, which means that the best run for this parameter has a value of 0 and the best 50% of runs are <1. For each value in eval_cols, all scaled parameters are multiplied with their weighing factor and summed up to an overall estimate of the model quality. Finally, we select the 5 best runs with the lowest model error by providing n_best = 5.

Let’s have a look at the result. evalueate_models() returns a list with different elements. The runs with the lowest model error are stored in best_runs.

#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> # Groups:   site [2]
#>    run_id site      ME
#>     <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>
#>  1     69 site_a 0.299
#>  2     58 site_a 0.454
#>  3     93 site_a 0.614
#>  4     76 site_a 0.629
#>  5     49 site_a 0.640
#>  6     73 site_b 0.400
#>  7     87 site_b 0.476
#>  8     59 site_b 0.873
#>  9     32 site_b 0.875
#> 10     96 site_b 0.903

We can see the run_id of the 5 best model runs for each site and the corresponding overall model error ME. The model error of all runs is stored in model_error

mod_pf_eval$model_error |>
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#> # Groups:   run_id [6]
#>   run_id site      ME
#>    <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>
#> 1     69 site_a 0.299
#> 2     73 site_b 0.400
#> 3     58 site_a 0.454
#> 4     87 site_b 0.476
#> 5     93 site_a 0.614
#> 6     76 site_a 0.629

…and the exact values of each parameter in models_evaluated.

mod_pf_eval$models_evaluated |>
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#> # Groups:   error_parameter, site [2]
#>   error_parameter     site   NRMSE run_id sNRMSE parameter_weight
#>   <chr>               <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>            <dbl>
#> 1 error_concentration site_a 0.207      1  0.949                1
#> 2 error_concentration site_b 0.246      1  1.50                 1
#> 3 error_concentration site_a 0.197      2  0.709                1
#> 4 error_concentration site_b 0.237      2  0.970                1
#> 5 error_concentration site_a 0.221      3  1.30                 1
#> 6 error_concentration site_b 0.247      3  1.55                 1

If you have a lot of profiles (e.g. a long, hourly time series), it may be necessary to run the calibration only on a subset of profiles because of memory limitations. In this case, you will want to run the entire model again, once a good parameterization was found. To facilitate this, evaluate_models() prepares a cfp_run_map() with only the best runs which you can use with the complete model in alternate(). This is stored in best_runs_runmap.

calibrated_run_map <- mod_pf_eval$best_runs_runmap

Let’s use this run map to calculate the calibrated models.

mod_pf_cal_list <- alternate(
  f = function(x) complete_soilphys(x, DSD0_formula = "a*AFPS^b", quiet = TRUE),
  run_map = calibrated_run_map

Finally, we can combine the returned list into a single model frame. This adds a new column cmb_id to the id_cols that identifies each model run.

mod_pf_cal <- combine_models(mod_pf_cal_list)
#> validating datasets
#> id_cols: site, Date, gas, cmb_id
#> 120 unique profiles
#> A cfp_pfres pro_flux model result. 
#> mean RMSE achieved:  0.033075 
#> number of failed fits:  0 
#> A cfp_pfmod pro_flux model. 
#> zero_flux: TRUE  
#> zero_limits:  -Inf Inf  
#> DSD0_optim:  FALSE  
#> evenness_factor:  0  
#> known_flux_factor:  0  
#> A cfp_dat object to be used as input in ConFluxPro models. 
#> id_cols: site Date gas cmb_id 
#> number of profiles:  120 
#> number of groups:  2