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Easily extract the production of cfp_pfres() and cfp_fgres() models per layer defined in layers_map() and calculate the relative contribution per layer.


production(x, ...)



A valid cfp_pfres() or cfp_fgres() object.


Further parameters passed on to efflux() in case of cfp_fgres.


data.frame with prod_abs (\(µmol / m^2 / s\)), efflux (\(µmol / m^2 / s\)) and prod_rel where \(prod_{rel} = efflux / prod_{abs}\).


For a pro_flux() model, the extraction is straightforward and simply the product of the optimised production rate (per volume) multiplied by the height of the layer.

For fg_flux(), the assumption is made that the production of the layer \(i\) is the difference of the flux in the layer above \(F_{i+1}\) and the layer below \(F_{i-1}\). The flux below the lowest layer is assumed to be zero and the flux above the topmost layer is the efflux. This approach has some uncertainties and it should be evaluated if it applies to your model.

If there are error estimates available from a call to bootstrap_error(), the errors are propagated as follows: $$\Delta prod_{rel} = |\Delta efflux \cdot \frac{prod_{abs}}{efflux^2}| + |\Delta prod_{abs}\cdot\frac{1}{efflux}|$$