was deprecated in favor of cfp_run_map()
for consistency.
Create a cfp_run_map for model alteration in alternate()
params = list(),
type = NULL,
method = NULL,
n_runs = NULL,
layers_different = FALSE,
layers_from = "layers_map",
layers_altmap = NULL,
topheight_adjust = FALSE
- x
- params
A named list of numeric vectors. Names indicate column names in soilphys, vectors either distinct values (method permutation) or limits (method random).
- type
A vector of length param indicating what the values in params represent. One of
- abs
Absolute values that are applied as-is.
- factor
Factors to be multiplied with the original values.
- addition
Factors to be added to the original values.
- method
Either 'random', where a random value is chosen within the bounds set in
or 'permutation', where every permutation of the values inparams
is added.- n_runs
Integer value of the number of alterations to be done for method = 'random'.
- layers_different
Should layers from layers_map be changed individually? If
this allows for different changes at different depths.- layers_from
(character) If layers_different is TRUE, from which source should the layers be created? One of:
- layers_map
(default) Use the layers that are defined in layers_map.
- soilphys
Use the layers as defined in soilphys
- layers_altmap
Use the layers as defined in the provided layers_altmap object.
- layers_altmap
An optional layers_map created using layers_map() that defines the layers to be used if layers_different = TRUE.
- topheight_adjust
(logical) If the proposed change in topheight is larger than the highest layer in soilphys, should the limits be automatically adjusted per id_cols individually? Default is FALSE, which leads to an error in that case.