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A subclass of cfp_profile() where each profile consists of layers that are defined by their upper and lower boundary without gaps or duplicates.


cfp_layered_profile(x, id_cols = NULL)



A data.frame with columns upper and lower.


Column names in data.frame that uniquely identify each profile.


A cfp_layered_profile object. This is a [cfp_profile()] that is further subdivided into layers by the columns upper and lower.


upper and lower define the upper and lower bounds of each layer in cm. Higher values lay on top of lower values.

See also

Other data formats: cfp_dat(), cfp_gasdata(), cfp_layers_map(), cfp_profile(), cfp_soilphys()


df <- data.frame(
  site = rep(c("site_a", "site_b"), each = 2),
  upper = c(10, 0, 7, 0),
  lower = c(0, -100, 0, -100),
  variable = 1:4)

cfp_layered_profile(df, id_cols = "site")
#> A cfp_layered_profile object 
#> id_cols: site 
#> 2  unique profiles 
#>     site upper lower variable
#> 1 site_a    10     0        1
#> 2 site_a     0  -100        2
#> 3 site_b     7     0        3
#> 4 site_b     0  -100        4